Henrik Kristiansen is a product- and interaction designer, currently at Halogen. He specializes in making digital tools that help people do their job.

Henrik Kristiansen is a product- and interaction designer, currently at Halogen. He specializes in making digital tools that help people do their job.

Henrik Kristiansen is a product- and interaction designer, currently at Halogen. He specializes in making digital tools that help people do their job.


(2023 - Present)

(2022 - 2023)



(2023 - Present)

(2022 - 2023)



(2023 - Present)

(2022 - 2023)


© 2024 Henrik M. Kristiansen
Last updated: 25.06.2024

© 2024 Henrik M. Kristiansen
Last updated: 25.06.2024

© 2024 Henrik M. Kristiansen
Last updated: 25.06.2024