
A new home on the web



Halogen is Norway's largest indipendent design agency, working within in public sector and defence industry. During fall of 2023 the identity was revamped to better include the breath of clients and projects, which manifested in a new website as of spring 2024.




Halogen Thomas Kaland


Web Development Creative Coding Branding Workshop facilitation


Henrik Kristiansen / Halogen

The challenge

Halogen needed a new website. The old one, made in Webflow, had become something few people wanted and knew how to update. Also, Halogen works with a lot of different stuff, everything from control rooms for submarines, to illustrations for government studies. This makes the task of presenting "who is Halogen" on a website quite difficult.

The solution

The new site is made in Framer. Framer looks more like tools designers are used to, and you are not reliant on knowing the front-end lingo to know how to use it. Together with the in-house brand- and graphic designers we designed and developed a new website that shows the breath of different domains through a wider color palette, and the playful humans using animated doodles sprinkled across the site.